
Unit 8 Understanding Self and Others Level 4


Understanding self provides an opportunity to an individual to know their skills and capabilities while performing in different situations which help them in improving their low skilled areas in order to achieve personal as well as professional goals. Therefore, it is important for every individual to identify their own skills and knowledge so as to perform delegated roles and responsibilities in an organisation in more effective and efficient manner. The present assignment report is all about identification of core skills which help an individual in utilising in performing different activities.  Thus, the report provides four main core skills which is required to be present in an individual to accomplish set goals and objectives  (Anderson  and Braud,  2011).

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Pro-forma of Negotiation skills

What is the core skill?

In this, Negotiation is a core skill which is required to be present in an individual in order to maintain good relation with others through negotiation with them in an effective manner. As a manager or as an employee, an individual should have attained such skills in order to survive in business environment. As there are lots of conflicts arises at workplace between employees due to having different cultures and backgrounds which affects the working behaviour and interest of employees. Therefore, if the manager have attained negotiation skills then he must able to resolve such conflicts through conducting meeting among between them and bring out optimum solution after listening their views and specification carefully from each conflicted party. Negotiation actually means discussing with each other and trying to understand other skills and knowledge in order to work together. Therefore, such skills is essentially required to be present in an individual so as to become good and effective manager of an organisation. It is important for manager of company to create communication channels for their employees so that they can interact and negotiate with each other and bring put an effective solution in order to achieve pre-determined goals and objectives. Therefore, if an individual found to have low negotiation skills then it is important for them to get involved in training programs to enhance such skills an build confidence so as to present themselves in meeting  and share their ideas and views confidently.

Why is this core skill important? Why did I select this skill to reflect on?

Negotiation skill builds confidence and make others happy through negotiating them and resolving their issues and problems without harming interest and behaviour of any conflict parties. Having such skill, an individual represent himself confidently in meeting and influences others through giving an optimum solutions. It will help in maintaining good relation with others. 

Reflect on your current competent regarding this skill. How did you assess your competence?

After making proper evaluation of my core skills, I found that due to having knowledge of multiple languages, I can able to negotiate with others who comes from different cultures and backgrounds. I assessed such skill while resolving conflicts which arises due to some misunderstanding between the employees having different cultures. 

Can you identify any contradictions from your analysis above?

Along with strength, I have found some weakness as well during evaluation of may core skill. I have found that sometimes due to lack of time and grab opportunities, I took decision solely without negotiating with others which brings disinterest and demotivating employees which may brings negative result to company as well. 

How will this skill help me in the future?

Attaining such skill help me in creating netter relations with others and able to understand the skills and knowledge of others which help me in allocating various business activities to employees so as to get better result in near future. Through good negotiation skill, I can able to present my views and ideas in meeting more confidently which improves my image in front of others.

Pro-forma of Team working skills

 What is the core skill?

Team work is also considered as an effective skills which every individual need to attained in themselves. Team workers refers to unity among individuals while performing specific activities in order to achieve maximum result. Working in a team always guaranteed success thus having such skill in an individual makes him a good leader and help in achieving professional goals. A leader having such leader is also liable to improve such team work skills in their employees as well which brings easiness for him to distribute them in a team and assign roles and responsibilities on the basis of their skills and knowledge. This all helps organisation in achieving desired goals and objectives within pre-determined period of time. Team work skills allows an opportunity to every individuals to share their views, suggestions and ideas with other team members in order to make an effective decision and plan. Performing together brings improvement in skills and knowledge of team members which motivates them to contribute their maximum efforts in achieving their desired goals. So, it can be clearly said that an individual can achieve growth and success in their personal as well as professional career only when an individual are comfortable to work in a team which provides them an opportunity to learn something new from their team mates which increase their knowledge and skills to perform several task in different fields and get promotional chances as well in an organisation. 

Why is this core skill important? Why did I select this skill to reflect on?

Working in team ensures in getting success in particular activities as skilled and knowledgable individuals gives combined efforts in completion of particular task. It also provides an opportunity to every individual to understand each other's skills and knowledge and make healthier relation with them. I select this skill as working in a team gives me an opportunity to learn something new and different from team mates which increases the chances of achieving growth and success in professional career. 

Reflect on your current competent regarding this skill. How did you assess your competence?

I have also attained such team work skill as I am always ready to work with others so as to collect new ideas and knowledge from them which further help me in performing allotted task in more effective and efficient manner. I always focuses on maintaining healthier relation with my co-workers and support them whenever they required. As working with different people having different culture and background, I have assessed such skill. 

Can you identify any contradictions from your analysis above?

As I am good in developing new ideas and suggestions which help my team to perform better but as per my co-workers point of view, sometimes I failed to communicate the actual meaning of my ideas to my co-workers which creates misunderstanding due to which the activities may go in wrong direction. 

How will this skill help me in the future?

It help me achieving professional goals within limited period of time. As  working in a team provide me an opportunity to learn something new and different through which I can able to perform in different filed. It increases the chances of getting promoted to higher position in an organisation. 

Pro-forma of Time Management Skills 

What is the core skill?

Under this, Time Management skills is the core skill which directs an individual to put their maximum efforts to complete work on time. There are lots of challenges and challenges faced by management while working under certainty which affects performance of an individual. Therefore, to compete in such complex environment an individual should required to prepare time table or schedule of each activities to be performed in near future which help in completing given task on time and grab competitive opportunities as well. An individual who are more punctual about completion of task can be a good manager. Thus, having such time management skill in manager also help in directing and motivating other employees to give their more efforts in order to work as per pre-determined schedule. For, this the manager need to first provide the benefits of performing task within time with the purpose of bringing motivation among them. And it can be done through conducting training and learning programs so as to improve skills and capabilities of workers and perform quicker in profitable manner. Therefore, it can be clearly indicated from above that to achieve desired goals as quickly as possible, an individual must be more focused and punctual. 

Why is this core skill important? Why did I select this skill to reflect on?

It helps individual to achieve personal as well as professional goals through preparing schedule and time table for specific task which has to be performed in future. It also helps in grabbing opportunities which drives an organisation to success. 

Reflect on your current competent regarding this skill. How did you assess your competence?

After analysis, I found that I always tries to grab opportunities in order to get promotional chances in an organisation which motivates me to complete allotted task within limited time period. I assess such skill while performing under uncertainty as working under such situation  should be timely executed in order to eliminate negative implications. 

Can you identify any contradictions from your analysis above? For example, is there a match between how you see yourself and how others see you, or not?

Sometimes, due to workload, I cannot able to provide proper direction to the each employee to complete their own task within time due to which the workers failed to complete allotted task on time. According to my co-workers point of view, I am good in making an effective decision regarding completion of activities but sometimes due to lack of time I failed to involve them in decision making process and take decision solely. 

How will this skill help me in the future?

It helps me to get opportunities of promoting to higher position in  an organisation and achieve competitive advantage as well. As performing as per the schedule always brings beneficial result thus focusing on achieving goals help me to compete with my rivals in more effective and efficient manner. 

Pro-forma of Receiving Feedbacks 

What is the core skill?

Under this, Giving and Receiving feedback is the core skill. Giving and receiving feedback helps in getting knowledge and skill of others in order to make profitable decision. Feedback refers to an information about something which is useful to make improvement. Thus, Having such skill in manager, it helps in identifying the actual situation occur in working environment at workplace. For this, the manager need to first create a platform where they can communicate with their employees and give and collect relevant information which help in making an effective plans and strategies for the betterment of an organisation. In order to identify current trends in market, an individual as an employee should required to collect information from them and accordingly communicate to an organisation to improving changes in their existing business structure to fulfil customer's requirements. Giving and collecting feedbacks also providing an opportunity to make healthy relation with others and maximises their interest and behaviour as well. 

Why is this core skill important? Why did I select this skill to reflect on?

It is very important to have such skill which provide an opportunity to identify the thoughts and views of others through an individual can able to give more efforts in maximising the interest and behaviour of others in order to make good relation with them. I select this skill to know the current trends and behaviour of others in order to fulfil the requirements. 

Reflect on your current competent regarding this skill. How did you assess your competence?

I always focuses on gabbing competitive opportunities due to which I can prepare questionnaire in order to gather information from different people so as to fulfil within limited period of time. I assessed such skill while collecting feedbacks from customers in order to find out the main reason which brings losses to company. 

Can you identify any contradictions from your analysis above? For example, is there a match between how you see yourself and how others see you, or not?

I have found that due to saving time and energy, I prefer to collect information from books, journals instead of reaching to the customers personally which decreases the chances of getting accurate and reliable information. 

How will this skill help me in the future?It will help in grabbing competitive opportunities through identifying and fulfilling customer's need and demands within limited period of time. It will also help me in formulating plans and strategies for the betterment of an organisation. 

Action Plan

From the above information, it has been identified that I have an appropriate skill which supports me to achieve my personal as well as professional goals. An effective skills such as negotiation, team work skills etc. which helps in maintaining healthy relation with others. On the other hand, I have to work on some areas as well to achieve better possible outcomes. To implement corrective steps for improvement of skills and knowledge, an individual first required to identify the strength as well as weak areas (Baron-Cohen,  Tager-Flusberg and Lombardo, 2013) Following are some strengths and weaknesses of an individual analysed from the above report are as follows:

Strengths: Through analysing above information, I found that I have good communication skills and having knowledge of multiple languages due to which I can able to negotiate with others and motivate them to work in a team.  This will help me to make better relation with others and getting new knowledge and ideas from which further I can use in achieving my professional goals. As my main focus is on to achieve desired target thus it makes more punctual and time-bounded person which helps me in building my professional career more brighter  (Cozolino, 2014). As I show more interest in knowing what other thinks about me due to which I took steps and methods to collect feedbacks and views from different people and on the basis of which I rectify myself.

Weaknesses: As I mentioned earlier, my main focuses is on achieving target thus to grab valuable opportunities I took decision solely without inviting others to take participate in decision making process. This will brings disinterest among employees due to which their working behaviour and relationship may also affected. As working in a team, every team mates are liable to present their new ideas to achieve common team goals thus sometimes it will be difficult for me to translate my idea to co-workers into actual means which sometimes create misunderstanding. This may affects team goals every badly (Frye, 2014).

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Therefore, from all above, I need to give my more efforts in improving such weaknesses through participating in training and learning programs which help me to achieve my personal as well as professional goals. Interacting and understanding each other help me to act accordingly which maximises the interest and behaviour of others. Therefore, to make improvement in the weaknesses increases the chances of achieving personal as well professional goals in future. 

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